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Yes, this actually works…

I’m going to try this out sometime at a group model shoot for fun.

Canon PowerShot G2 with PocketWizard MiniTT1

This is my trusty Canon PowerShot G2 that I bought back in 2002. It does ISO 50 to 400 and has a 34-102mm effective focal range (35mm equivalent).

Yes, the MiniTT1 actually works with the G2 to provide basic triggering to fire my 580 EX II Speedlites and my Paul C Buff studio strobes (Alien Bees and Einsteins).

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2 Responses

  1. Tom

    How do you get the Einsteins to trigger from the Mini TT1? Wondering how the strobe senses the signal from the Mini TT1

  2. ocabj

    I plug a PowerMC2 into the port on the Einstein. Before the PowerMC2 was released, I used a FlexTT5 plugged into the Einstein.

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