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UCCSC 2009 @ UC Davis

Got back last night from the University of California Computing Services Conference held at UC Davis. This year’s UCCSC was a decent conference, as it always is. The workshops and hands-on-labs were structured well, and had a good variety of focus with regards to the IT security field.

It was also an opportunity to visit the UC Davis campus, which I have never been to.

The number one thing I’ll remember about UC Davis is the amount of bicycles on campus. Apparently, the City of Davis has the highest number of bicycles per capita of any other United States city. The amazing thing is that I saw hundreds of bikes all over campus, but there are hardly any students around. Apparently, students will leave their bikes locked up in a rack around campus, and leave for the Summer. Then come back in Fall expecting their bicycle to be where they left it.

Of course, this has it’s risks.

The positive outcome of having so many bicycles is that the campus and city is very quiet due to the lower number of cars and other motor vehicles.

Anyway, UC Davis is a very nice campus. Makes me kind of wish I had applied there. Apparently their Computer Science department is good.

Follow the link after the following photo for a few more shots I took while in Davis the past few days.

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