Home » Gear » Teaser – Series 80 Colt MK IV Gold Cup National Match 1911

Teaser – Series 80 Colt MK IV Gold Cup National Match 1911

posted in: Firearms, Gear, Shooting 2

After over 14 months, I decided to acquire a new pistol, due in part to the expiring Single Shot Exemption law in California.

It is a Series 80 Colt MK IV Gold Cup National Match 1911.

I figured it was a good time to pick up a pistol that I can use in EIC Service Pistol so that I can at least enter some matches to see if I can make Distinguished Pistol Shot (and become Double Distinguished).

Here’s a teaser photo:


More photos to come in the near future after I get it sighted in for 25 and 50 yards with some factory ASYM match hardball ammunition.

Note: I plan on using factory match for 50 yards, and handloads for 25 yards.

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2 Responses

  1. Craig

    I just ourchased a GCNM series80. Shot great groups but, after several rounds it failed to fire. Hitting the primer but bot firing, Pulled the hammer back on the same shell and it went off every time. Previously this box of 45s I shot 25 from my Garrison and did not have a single problem. The very next day shooting the next 25 rounds with the Colt I had this nproblem. The Colt probably had not been shot in the last 30 years. Could I have a weak hammer spring?

  2. Jonathan Ocab

    A weak hammer spring is one possibility. Checking for firing pin deformation is one thing to do. Also, cleaning the firing pin and channel to make sure there is no debris is another easy thing to check. Beyond that, it might be a good idea to consult a 1911 expert / armorer / gunsmith.

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