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Precision Rifle Project Series: Savage 10FP Part 3

I was going to go to an NRA Mid-Range 3×600 match this past Saturday at MCB Camp Pendleton, but I had some other obligations on Saturday afternoon and evening, so I ended up just going to my regular range (West End Gun Club) to test fire the rebarreled Savage 10FP.

As I mentioned in the previous Savage 10FP project article, I do not have any .264″/6.5mm bullets on hand, yet, and am just shooting factory ammunition right now. I need to reclaim the brass from the factory ammunition for reloading, and I need to get baseline data on the muzzle velocity of the Shilen barrel, anyway.

I currently have two specific factory ammunition on hand:

  • Hornady 6.5mm Creedmoor 140gr ELD Match (2710 fps out of 24″ barrel according to Hornady)
  • Prime 6.5mm Creedmoor 130gr OTM Match+ (2851 fps out of 24″ 1:8 twist barrel according to Prime)

As a reminder, the barrel in question is a Shilen stainless steel Select Match with:

  • 6.5mm Creedmoor
  • 24 inch length
  • 1:8 inch twist
  • Savage Varmint profile
  • 11 degree target crown
  • Savage standard/small shank


I shot these two different ammunition types for several strings, but have LabRadar 10-shot series for both.

A 10-round string for the Hornady 140gr ELD Match yielded the following LabRadar results:

  • Average 2723.31 fps
  • Highest 2749.35 fps
  • Lowest 2704.5 fps
  • Ext. Spread 44.85
  • Std. Dev 15


A 10-round string for the Prime 130gr OTM Match+ yielded the following LabRadar results:

  • Average 2877.52 fps
  • Highest 2897.46 fps
  • Lowest 2850.45 fps
  • Ext. Spread 47.01
  • Std. Dev 14.42


The LabRadar readings showed the averages for each ammunition type were about 0.5% to 1% higher than the factory specifications, which seems about right.

As far as group sizes, the first group shot after the rifle was relatively zeroed onto a target was really promising:

Hornady 6.5mm Creedmoor 140gr ELD Match, 5-shot group

The edge to edge group is 0.664″ which is under a half-minute when you subtract bullet diameter (.264″ ; .400″ group).

After that, all my groups went into the toilet.

Hornady 6.5mm Creedmoor 140gr ELD Match, 5-shot group

The above group is also a 5-shot group with an edge to edge group of roughly 1.294″. The elevation dispersion isn’t too bad (0.721″ vertical), but that windage is terrible. I really think that after my first group, I started exerting torque on the bipod and wasn’t getting a straight to the rear recoil.

The Prime 130gr OTM Match+ ammo didn’t have very good groups.

Prime 6.5mm Creedmoor 130gr OTM Match+, 5-round group

The above group had an edge to edge size of 1.178″ which is just under 1MOA.

Prime 6.5mm Creedmoor 130gr OTM Match+, 5-round group

The above group had an edge to edge size of 1.193″.

I am not sure if it’s the ammo, the rifle, or just me. But I want to retry shooting the Prime load off of a front bag and not the bipod.

I am a bit disappointed with my groups overall, but I look at the first group shot with the Hornady 140gr ELD Match as the accuracy potential of this rebarreled Savage 10FP, formerly .308 Winchester, now chambered in 6.5mm Creedmoor.


I will be heading to the range sometime between now and the end of the Thanksgiving break, so I should have additional groups shot to make a final assessment of the new barrel and the factory ammo.

Note: Total round count in the new rifle is 55 rounds.

Follow Jonathan Ocab:
Owner and administrator of ocabj.net

2 Responses

  1. David

    Good stuff man. Much of the info you “learned” along the way, like NSS not chambering/reaming barrels, you could have easily learned at Savageshooters.com The greatest amount of Savage knowledge anywhere. And great rifle & shooting information as well. Can’t imagine you aren’t on there… What is your handle there? I know you are cursed with living in Commifornia, but I hope you aren’t JUST getting your information from Calguns?? That forum is LAUGHABLE!

  2. Jonathan Ocab

    I was on Savage Shooters back in the mid-2000s. I think my account was deleted during some migration and I never rejoined until way after. Not sure what information you’re referring to, but if you’re talking about technical information related to gunsmithing, I get my information from gunsmiths. I don’t really do much on forums. I’ve been on places like THR, SH, CG, RC, ARFCOM, etc., since the late 90s early 2000s, but I don’t participate much in general. As far as CG, it’s a good place for CA folks because it is a resource for issues specifically affecting us (e.g., laws). Anyway, I don’t really view forums so much as a technical resource. It’s a good place to find contacts for technical information, in which case I’ll just reach out directly.

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