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End of summer?
Hopefully I don’t jinx it by talking about it, but it looks like summer in Riverside is coming to an end. Today it topped only 74F degrees and I actually wore a sportcoat for the first time since May. If … Read More
iPhone price cut theory
It’s been several days since Jobs pissed off the thousands of early adopting iPhone owners with his $200 price slashing of the 8gb iPhone. There have been lots of questions asking why Apple would drop the price so soon. Jobs … Read More
Congratulations to JR and Joanna Belle
A special congratulations to my long time friend JR and his new wife Joanna Belle, who became newlyweds yesterday afternoon. I send my best wishes to them for a long and happy marriage.
Filters can’t stop kids from getting to the porn
The Australian government invested $84mil in an Internet filter to restrict various Internet traffic, including pornography. But apparently, the kids already figured out how to get past the filter. It just goes to show that nothing will stop hormone crazed … Read More
Man’s marriage proposal during baseball game fails
Every now and then, you hear about the guy who proposes marriage to his girlfriend at a baseball game while being filmed on the ‘Jumbotron’ and she gleefully accepts. That’s why I found it very amusing to read that a … Read More