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Once a year shooters

posted in: Rant, Shooting 0

I was at my club’s shooting range last Sunday as usual, and the “once a year shooters” were out in full force. These “once a year shooters” that I am referring to are hunters. While there are many hunters who are avid shooters, this time of year tends to bring out people that only handle a firearm during the hunting season.

It’s pretty hairy at the shooting range during the hunting season because there is an increased number of people at the range who for some reason, cannot comprehend the concept of firearms safety and range safety. You’ll see people handling firearms during a cease fire constantly and sometimes a person will display an utterlack of muzzle discipline on the firing line.

While I am always aware of the other range patrons around me, I tend to have a heightened sense of awareness during this part of the year.

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