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If you can see this…

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You are now reading ocabj.net on a Linode Virtual Private Server. I just recently migrated my website from Dreamhost to Linode due to unhappiness with site performance on Dreamhost shared hosting.

Most of the public were unaware of any performance problems because I setup WordPress caching to speed up page load times. But from an administrative standpoint, the performance left a lot to be desired. So I decided to try Linode since it would guarantee me server resources that weren’t being dedicated to me while on Dreamhost.

I spent the past few days migrating files and staging everything for the actual DNS changes for ocabj.net, and I committed the DNS changes this morning. So in the next several hours, the majority of the Internet will soon be hitting ocabj.net on it’s new server.

During that time, I’ve been fixing bugs and errors as a result of the migration as I see them. So there will probably be a few things broken on the site that I will work to fix as the issues arise.

Follow Jonathan Ocab:
Owner and administrator of ocabj.net
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  1. […] you didn’t catch my blog post last month, I moved ocabj.net to a Linode VPS after about 13 months running on Dreamhost (and before that a […]

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