Home » Gear » Budget Gun Tip: Cleaning Rod PVC Holder / Case

Budget Gun Tip: Cleaning Rod PVC Holder / Case

Several years back, I started carrying and storing my most frequently used cleaning rods in homemade PVC cases. A PVC cleaning rod holder is quick and easy to make, and not too expensive. All you need to do is measure the diameter of the rod handle, and get the smallest diameter PVC pipe available that will fit the rod handle. Then acquire a couple of end caps and some PVC glue and you’re good to go.

Note: Pro-Shot rod handles measure .610″ and Dewey rod handles measure 1.245″. I use 3/4″ PVC for Pro-Shot rods and 1-1/4″ PVC for Dewey rods.

Since I recently picked up a new Pro-Shot 42″ stainless steel 27 caliber cleaning rod, I needed to make a new holder for it.


I had some left over 3/4″ diameter PVC in the garage, and I picked up a smooth end cap, a threaded end adapter, and a threaded end cap for 3/4″ PVC. I like to store the rod with the pierce-style jag attached, so I measure the rod with the jag.


I’ll add an extra inch just in case I change jag designs and then make the cut with a pipe cutter or PVC cutter.


As far as the end caps are concerned, I use the threaded end adapter along with a threaded end cap, for the one end where I access the rod. The threaded cap makes for an easy way to get the cap off. Anyone who messes with PVC knows that smooth PVC end caps can get stuck even if you don’t glue them.


I will also put some closed cell foam in each end cap and put a small amount of glue to keep them in place. The glue isn’t really necessary, but since I have the PVC glue out, I may as well put a dab on the foam. But the foam is a good way to cushion the cleaning rod handle if the case were dropped on the handle end, and to protect the pierce jag from getting bent if the case were dropped on the jag end.

After that, I just glue the smooth end cap onto one end and the threaded adapter on the other end.

I’ll put some tape on the outside and mark it for quick identification.


But that’s pretty much it.


There are some manufactured cleaning rod cases/holders, but most of these are more expensive that the cleaning rod you put in them. Not to mention, many of the manufactured cases/holders only cover the rod shaft and not the handle. The handle actually incurs a lot of damage if it is dropped on the ground because of the ball bearings or sleeve used for the rod handle to rotate around the shaft. I like my budget (aka ‘ghetto’) homemade cleaning rod case style because in encloses the entire cleaning rod.

Anyway, if you own cleaning rods and want an effective way to carry and store them, try the above PVC project.

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3 Responses

  1. Derrick Lee

    Thanks, this was a great DIY. I modified it just slightly, using 1/2″ piping for the Dewey rod’s rod portion, and using adapters to convert it from 1/2″ to 1.25″ for the handle portion. Didn’t actually need 1.25″ pipe as the adapter pieces and threaded portion for the cap was just large enough. Plan on wrapping it with some camo tape to make it stand out a bit less. Thanks again, this was extremely helpful

  2. ocabj

    That sounds like a cool idea. I might try that myself with the 1/2″ to 1.25″. Next time I’m at the home improvement store, I’ll try to remember to grab some PVC components.

  3. Derrick Lee

    I believe the only advantage I was able to come up with this route is that the adapters, when threaded on, can be made so the handle doesn’t have much room to slide around, removing any need for the foam. Otherwise, no additional benefit. I did spend about 30 minutes at the Home Depot figuring this out… and that time probably wasn’t worth it. Sticking with your method is definitely good enough and saves you the time hunting for misc adapters!

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