Home » Gear » Budget Gun Tip: Carrying Grease In Cosmetic Containers

Budget Gun Tip: Carrying Grease In Cosmetic Containers

If you own a firearm, particularly a rifle, you most likely have some sort of large container of grease. It might be a 14 ounce tube of AeroShell 33ms, a can of Lubriplate 130-A/130-AA, or even a tube of Mobil 1 Synthetic. Either way, these large containers of grease can get contaminated if you constantly open the container, not to mention it is not convenient to carry the large container in your range bag or kit if you need to have grease with readily available at the range or in the field.

But one nice solution is to use small cosmetic (makeup) containers that you can transfer grease to and then carry these with your gear.


I found these small, 5 gram capacity containers available in a 50-pack on Amazon for $10. They hold about 6.8ml or just over .2 ounces. But the form factor is 1-1/4″ diameter by 3/4 inch tall, making these very compact to carry a decent amount of field expedient grease in your rifle bag, range bag, toolbox, etc. The caps are threaded, and relatively leak proof. Although they don’t have rubber o-rings or seals, so I wouldn’t count on them being 100% sealed. But these should be more than sufficient to keep grease in a ready to use state for a good amount of time.


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2 Responses

  1. Hassan

    After you’ve built your AR, what do you use the grease for?



  2. ocabj

    I use Lubriplate for bolt actions (bolt head, cocking piece) and stuff like the M1 Garand that calls for grease. One of my friends uses grease in the AR BCG, and it seems to work for him.

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