About 45 minutes ago on the way home from campus, I was driving up Canyon Crest towards Alessandro. Some girl driving a Toyota Corolla or Camry passed up a string of about 6 cars by using the right-turn only lane and passed in the intersection and came up behind me. She tailgated me and then half-way up the hill decided to pass me on the right side.
Of course, I laid down on the horn when she zipped past me and right in front of me. I laid down on the horn for about 30 seconds.
1. Don’t pass on the right. Especially when you’re in a right-turn only lane.
2. Don’t pass on the right twice in a span of 20 seconds.
3. Don’t try to be cool with your car by putting the front license plate on the dashboard instead of on the front bumper as required by CA law. Especially in a Toyota Corolla.
4. Don’t slow down to try and flip me off.

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