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America is finally re-embracing the gun

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Even if you have no interest in firearms, socially or politically, you have most likely seen on television or read reports in written media regarding the huge spike in firearms sales. Time recently ran an article profiling this and 60 Minutes recently ran a segment on the increased sales and the so-called ‘gunshow loophole’.

To summarize the recent trend, ever since the Presidential election, firearms and ammunition sales spiked and the demand has continued to exceed supply to this day.

But the interesting point covered in these recent news reports is how America as a whole has shifted from a pro gun control stance to a no gun control stance. Statistics are showing that the percentage of Americans that favor increased gun control has dropped considerably since 2000. Also, many Democrats in Congress are actually gun rights advocates. This is certainly reassuring as a firearms owner and a competitive rifle shooter.

Another point raised is that a large contributor to the spike in the firearms and ammunition sales are first time gun buyers. A friend of mine from college is a prime example. He recently purchased a pistol and shortly after a bolt action rifle. He stated to me that he got into firearms because his colleagues started shooting recently and his purchases have been largely driven by the possibility of a firearms ban that would prevent him from purchasing a gun.

You would think that the spike in firearms sales as a result of a society in fear of another firearms ban would signal to the Government that Americans are not in favor of gun control.

But there are politicians like Diane Feinstein (who was interviewed in a recent 60 Minutes segment) who are still adamant about banning all guns and are seeking the right time to do it.

I hope that the social trend of support for the Second Amendment continues to increase as it has in recent years and it helps to influence the laws in this country that affect gun ownership and gun owner rights.

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